#ifndef _NORMAL_H
#define _NORMAL_H


// Introduction
This file provides some usefull functions for normal generation and smoothing.
You can find some more informations about normals at the top of this guide.
It now provide a few functions about tangent vectors smoothing.

__rayapi void raydium_normal_generate_lastest_triangle (int default_visu);
Generate normals for the last created triangle (see ##raydium_vertex_index##)
if ##default_visu## is true ( != 0 ), this function will restore "visu"
normals too.

__rayapi void raydium_normal_generate_lastest_tangent(void);
Generate tangents for the last created triangle. Internal use.

__rayapi void raydium_normal_restore_all (void);
This function restore visu normals with standard ones (##raydium_vertex_normal_*##)

__rayapi void raydium_normal_regenerate_all (void);
This function will regenerate standard and visu normals for the whole
scene (ground, objects, ...).

__rayapi void raydium_normal_internal_smooth_generic(char *type,GLuint from, GLuint to,GLfloat *in,GLfloat *out);
Internal. Generic smoothing function.

__rayapi void raydium_normal_smooth_all (void);
This function will smooth the whole scene, using adjacent vertices.
Note this function can take a lot of time.

__rayapi void raydium_normal_smooth_from_to(GLuint from, GLuint to);
Same as above, but only from ##from## vertex to ##to## vertex (excluded).
In other words: will smooth [from;to[

__rayapi void raydium_normal_tangent_smooth_all (void);
Same as ##raydium_normal_smooth_all()##, but for tangent vectors.

__rayapi void raydium_normal_tangent_smooth_from_to(GLuint from, GLuint to);
Same as ##raydium_normal_smooth_from_to()##, but for tangent vectors.
