Index: ode_net.c
--- ode_net.c	(revision 34)
+++ ode_net.c	(revision 35)
@@ -594,3 +594,9 @@
+void raydium_ode_network_elment_next_local(void)
 texture as tga' 
-	import nt
-	os=nt
-	os.sep='\\'
-	import posix
-	os=posix
-	os.sep='/'
-import Blender,bpy
-from Blender import Window,sys
-from Blender.sys import *
-import math 
-from math import *
-allobj = 0
-multfile = 0
-savetga = 0
-def fileExists(f):
-	af = join(path,f)
-	try:
-		file = open(af)
-	except IOError:
-		exists = 0
-	else:
-		file.close()
-		exists = 1
-	return exists
-#Using blender feature
-#new image are tga
-#creating a new image / size is croped to power2
-#copy original image to new one
-#save image, updating original image with new one
-#TODO Unlink temp image file
-def conv_tga(image):
-	simg=image
-	dimg_name = simg.getName().split('.')[0]+'.tga'
-	print "Converting %s image to %s." % (simg.getName(),dimg_name)
-	sz = simg.getSize()
-	isx=int(pow(2,int(log(sz[0])/log(2))))
-	isy=int(pow(2,int(log(sz[1])/log(2))))
-	dp=simg.getDepth()
-	dimg = Blender.Image.New(dimg_name.split('.')[0]+'.tmp',isx,isy,dp)
-	fxs=float(sz[0])/isx;fys=float(sz[1])/isy
-	xo=0;yo=0
-	#image rescale to have power of 2 texture
-	#x,y in result image,	 xo,yo in original image
-	for y in range(isy):
-		yoi=int(yo);xo=0;dxf=1
-		Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(y)/isy,"Converting to tga ...")
-		for x in range(isx):
-			xoi=int(xo)
-			pxy=simg.getPixelI(xoi,yoi)
-			dimg.setPixelI(x,y,pxy)
-			xo=xo+fxs
-		yo=yo+fys
-	dimg.setFilename(join(path,dimg_name))
-	simg.setFilename(join(path,dimg_name))
-	simg.reload()
-	simg.setName(dimg_name)
-	print "Image converted to %d %d tga and updated(%s)." % (isx,isy,dimg_name)
-def valid_texture(image,texture_list):
-	#print "Valid texture %s" % image
-	file_name=basename(image.filename)
-	#already managed
-	if file_name in texture_list:
-		return  
-	texture_list.add(file_name)
-	if not(file_name.endswith('.tga')):
-		print "Find non .tga texture"
-		if savetga:
-			conv_tga(image)
-			file_name=basename(image.filename)
-			texture_list.add(file_name)
-	if not (fileExists(file_name)):
-		if savetga:
-			print "Creating %s " % (join(path,file_name))
-			image.setFilename(join(path,file_name))
-		else:
-			print "Missing %s texture file." % file_name
-#export object pos and rotation 
-def exp_pos_rot(ob,gfich):
-	chout = ob.getName()
-	pos = ob.getLocation('worldspace')
-	chout = chout + " %f,%f,%f" % (pos[0],pos[1],pos[2])
-	rot = ob.getEuler('worldspace')
-	chout = chout + ",%f,%f,%f" % (-rot[0],-rot[1],-rot[2])
-	#print chout
-	gfich.write(chout)
-	gfich.write("\n")
-def quadToTri (object,scene):
-	object.sel=1
-	Blender.Object.Duplicate(mesh=1)
-	ob2=Blender.Object.GetSelected()[0]
-	m2=ob2.getData(mesh=1)
-	for f in m2.faces:
-		f.sel=1
-	m2.quadToTriangle()
-	#scn.unlink(ob2)
-	return ob2
-def export(): 
-	global allobj
-	Window.WaitCursor(1) 
-	tinit = sys.time()
-	print "Export begin"
-	Blender.Window.EditMode(0)
-	scene=Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
-	print "Path is %s" % path
-	if (not(allobj)):
-		objects = Blender.Object.GetSelected()
-		if len(objects)==0:
-			allobj=1
-			print "-- No object selected." 
-		else:
-			print "-- Exporting %d Selected Objects." % (len(objects))
-	if allobj:
-		objects = scene.objects
-		print "-- Exporting all %d objects" % (len(objects))
-	texture_list=set()
-	mesh_list=set()
-	if (saveposrot):
-		gfich = open(pos_file_name,'w')
-		gfich.write('3\n')
-		print "-- Export pos/rot file : "+basename(pos_file_name)
-	#Deselect all objects
-	for object in objects:
-		object.sel=0
-	if not(multfile):
-		file = open (exp_file_name,'w')
-		file.write("1\n") #tri version	
-		print "-- Export all meshes file : "+basename(exp_file_name)
-	for object in objects:
-		objtype=object.getType()
-		if objtype =="Lamp":
-			if saveposrot:
-				exp_pos_rot(object,gfich)
-		if objtype != "Mesh":
-			continue
-		if (saveposrot):
-			exp_pos_rot(object,gfich)
-		mesh=object.getData(mesh=1) 		
-		#Hidden mesh can be used to save hinge pos and rot without needed
-		#to generate mesh .tri file
-		#need to be documented
-		#print
-		if[0]=='.':
-			#hidden mesh
-			print "%s is an hidden mesh" % (
-			continue
-		if in mesh_list:
-			#mesh already exported
-			continue
-		print "%s is a mesh(%d faces)" % (object.getName(),len(mesh.faces))	
-		if (multfile):
-			filen= + '.tri'
-			dirn=Blender.sys.dirname(exp_file_name)
-			filename=join(dirn,filen)
-			file = open (filename,"w")
-			file.write("1\n") #tri version	
-			print "--Export One mesh in file : "+basename(filename)
-		mesh_list.add(
-		if autotri:
-			#ob2 is a shadow object with all face as triangle
-			ob2=quadToTri(object,scene)
-			mesh = ob2.getData(mesh=1)
-		l=len(mesh.faces)/10
-		li=0
-		lp=0
-		org=mesh.activeUVLayer
-		layers=mesh.getUVLayerNames()
-		if (len(layers)>0):
-			mesh.activeUVLayer=layers[0]
-		for face in mesh.faces:
-			if len(face)!=3:
-				print "ERROR: NOT A TRIANGLE ONLY MESH ! (select all vertices and use CTRL+T)"
-				if autotri:
-					print "This is normaly impossible "
-				#continue
-			li=li+1
-			if li>l:
-				lp+=10
-				print "%d" % lp
-				li=0
-			for i in range(3): #triangles only ! (CTRL+T) 
-				indx=face.v[i].index
-				#writing vertex coordinate
-				file.write ("%f %f %f " % (mesh.verts[indx].co[0],mesh.verts[indx].co[1],mesh.verts[indx].co[2]))
-				if face.smooth:
-					nv=mesh.verts[indx].no
-				else:
-				#writing vertex normal
-				file.write ("%f %f %f " % (nv[0],nv[1],nv[2]))
-				#if face is textured
-				if(mesh.faceUV):
-					mesh.activeUVLayer=layers[0]					
-					u=face.uv[i][0]
-					v=face.uv[i][1]
-					#get current texture image name
-					if (face.image):
-						valid_texture(face.image,texture_list)
-						texture=Blender.sys.basename(face.image.filename)
-					else:
-						texture="rgb(0.6,0.0,0.0)"
-					but=texture
-					cpt=0 # layers counter
-					if(len(layers)>1):
-						# texture=texture+';'
-						# loop on layers and append uv and name to a string
-						#print len(layers)
-						for layer in layers:
-							if (layer==layers[0]):
-								continue #already used first texture layer
-							mesh.activeUVLayer=layer
-							#Not textured layer skipping
-							# handle vertex with only one texture defined on a 
-							# mesh multitextured							
-							if not(face.image):
-								continue
-							#tex flag inactive, face is not textured, skipping
-							if not(face.mode and Blender.Mesh.FaceModes['TEX']):
-								continue
-							#Face image flagged as reflective
-							if (face.image.reflect):
-								#Found a face mapped on environnement using .tri file # syntax
-								valid_texture(face.image,texture_list)
-								t=Blender.sys.basename(face.image.filename)
-								texture=texture+"#"+t
-							else: #face image is not flagged as reflection so normal script behavior
-								uu=face.uv[i][0]
-								vv=face.uv[i][1]
-								valid_texture(face.image,texture_list)
-								t=Blender.sys.basename(face.image.filename)
-								texture=texture+';'+str(uu)+'|'+str(vv)+'|'+t
-						#end of layer multitexturing loop
-					file.write("%f %f %s\n" % (u,v,texture))
-				#face has no face UV informations
-				else:
-					#Face has vertex color assigned, using them.
-					if(mesh.vertexColors and len(face.col)>0):
-						file.write("0 0 rgb(%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f)\n" % (face.col[i].r/255.0,face.col[i].g/255.0,face.col[i].b/255.0))
-					else:
-					#No information, defaulting to gray face
-						file.write("0 0 rgb(0.6,0.6,0.6)\n")
-		if (org):
-			mesh.activeUVLayer=org
-		if multfile:
-			file.flush()
-			file.close()
-		if autotri:
-			scene.objects.unlink(ob2)
-		print "Mesh Exported."
-	if not(multfile):
-		file.flush()
-		file.close()
-	if(saveposrot):	
-		gfich.flush()
-		gfich.close()
-	print 'Export Script finished in %.2f seconds\n' % (sys.time()-tinit)
-	print ' '
-	Window.WaitCursor(0) 
-def gui():
-	global saveposrot,multfile,autotri,savetga,genfilen
-	oallobj = Blender.Draw.Create(0)
-	omultfile = Blender.Draw.Create(0)
-	oautotri = Blender.Draw.Create(1)
-	osavetga = Blender.Draw.Create(0)
-	osaveposrot=Blender.Draw.Create(0)
-	ogenfilen=Blender.Draw.Create(0)
-	conf = Blender.Registry.GetKey("raydium_full_export", True)
-#	if not conf:
-#		return
-	try:
-		oallobj.val = conf["allobj"]
-		omultfile.val = conf["multfile"]
-		oautotri.val = conf["autotri"]
-		osavetga.val = conf["savetga"]
-		osaveposrot.val = conf["saveposrot"]
-		ogenfilen.val = conf["genfile"]
-	except:
-		# If one of the key is not in the dict, don't worry, it'll use the defaults
-		pass
-	block = []
-	#block.append("Raydium tri export")#("Name: ", text, 0, 30, "this is some tool tip"))
-	dirs="Dir."+Blender.sys.makename()
-	#block.append("Export Mesh")
-	block.append(("Save All Objects",oallobj,"If Not Set Save only selected objects"))
-	block.append(("Separate Files",omultfile,"Each Mesh is saved in it's own file."))
-	block.append(("Auto Quad->Tri",oautotri,"Automaticaly convert quad to tri."))
-	block.append(("Create/Save tga",osavetga,"If needed create and save texture tga files"))
-	block.append(("Save Object Pose",osaveposrot,"Save each object position and rotation"))
-	block.append(("Auto. FileName",ogenfilen,"Automaticaly generate file name based on blender filename"))
-	block.append("")
-	block.append("")
-	block.append("")
-	retval = Blender.Draw.PupBlock("Raydium_Export "+dirs, block)
-	if retval:
-		conf = {}	
-		conf["allobj"] = oallobj.val
-		conf["multfile"] = omultfile.val
-		conf["autotri"] = oautotri.val
-		conf["savetga"] = osavetga.val
-		conf["saveposrot"] = osaveposrot.val
-		conf["genfile"] = ogenfilen.val
-		Blender.Registry.SetKey("raydium_full_export", conf, True)
-	saveposrot = osaveposrot.val
-	multfile = omultfile.val
-	autotri = oautotri.val
-	savetga = osavetga.val
-	saveposrot = osaveposrot.val
-	genfilen = ogenfilen.val
-def fs2(a):	
-	global exp_file_name
-	a=makename(a,'.tri')
-	exp_file_name=a
-	export()
-def fs1(a):
-	a=makename(a,'.tri')
-	pos_file_name=a;
-	exp_file_name = makename (ext = '.tri')
-	if (not(multfile)):
-		if (not(genfilen)):
-			Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs2, ".tri Mesh Export", exp_file_name)
-	else:
-		fs2(exp_file_name)
-def main(): 
-	global pos_file_name,exp_file_name,selected_file_name,path,genfilen
-	for i in range(20):
-		print 
-	gui()
-	path = dirname(makename())
-	pos_file_name = makename (ext = '-pos.tri')
-	if (saveposrot):
-		if (not(genfilen)):
-			Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs1, ".tri Object Pos/Rot File", pos_file_name)
-	fs1(pos_file_name)	
-# This lets you can import the script without running it 
-if __name__ == '__main__': 
-	main() 
\ No newline at end of file