Index: camera.c
--- camera.c	(revision 0)
+++ camera.c	(revision 1)
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+    Raydium - CQFD Corp.
+    License: GPL - GNU General Public License, see "gpl.txt" file.
+#include "index.h"
+#include "headers/camera.h"
+// res3 is GLfloat[3]
+void raydium_camera_vectors(GLfloat *res3)
+GLfloat m[16];
+GLfloat front[3]={1,0,0};
+//GLfloat up[3]={0,0,1};
+GLfloat res1[3];
+GLfloat res2[3];
+raydium_trigo_pos_get_modelview(res1); // get current position
+raydium_trigo_pos_to_matrix(front,m); // create matrix using front
+glMultMatrixf(m); // project front
+raydium_trigo_pos_get_modelview(res2); // get new position
+// create front vector
+res3[1]=-(res1[0]-res2[0]); // x
+res3[2]=(res1[1]-res2[1]); // y
+res3[0]=(res1[2]-res2[2]); // z
+// create up vector
+// fallback
+raydium_trigo_pos_get_modelview(res1); // get current position
+raydium_trigo_pos_to_matrix(up,m); // create matrix using front
+glMultMatrixf(m); // project front
+raydium_trigo_pos_get_modelview(res2); // get new position
+res3[4]=(res1[0]-res2[0]); // x
+res3[5]=-(res1[1]-res2[1]); // y
+res3[3]=-(res1[2]-res2[2]); // z
+//raydium_log("%f %f %f",res3[3],res3[4],res3[5]);
+void raydium_camera_internal_prepare(void)
+GLfloat x,y,z;
+    {
+    x=raydium_random_f(-raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude,raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude);
+    y=raydium_random_f(-raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude,raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude);
+    z=raydium_random_f(-raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude,raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude);
+    glRotatef(z,0,0,1);
+    glRotatef(x,1,0,0);
+    glRotatef(y,0,1,0);
+    raydium_camera_rumble_remaining-=raydium_frame_time;
+    raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude+=(raydium_camera_rumble_evolution*raydium_frame_time);
+    if(raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude<=0)
+	{
+	raydium_camera_rumble_amplitude=0;
+	raydium_camera_rumble_remaining=0;
+	}
+    }
+    else raydium_camera_rumble_remaining=0;
+void raydium_camera_internal(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
+ if(raydium_frame_first_camera_pass)
+ {
+ float pos[3];
+ float or[6];
+ pos[0]=x;
+ pos[1]=y;
+ pos[2]=z;
+ if(raydium_sound) 
+    {
+    raydium_camera_vectors(or); // get vectors
+    raydium_sound_SetListenerPos(pos);
+    raydium_sound_SetListenerOr(or);
+    }
+ raydium_sky_box_render(x,y,z);
+ raydium_frame_first_camera_pass=0;
+ raydium_light_update_position_all();
+ }
+ if(!raydium_camera_pushed)
+ {
+ raydium_camera_pushed=1;
+ raydium_camera_x=x; 
+ raydium_camera_y=y;
+ raydium_camera_z=z;
+ glPushMatrix();
+ memset(raydium_camera_cursor_place,0,3*sizeof(GLfloat));
+ }
+ else raydium_log("Warning: too many calls to camera_* ! (matrix already pushed)");
+void raydium_camera_place(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,
+			  GLfloat lacet, GLfloat tangage, GLfloat roulis)
+glTranslatef(x, y, z);
+void raydium_camera_look_at(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,
+			  GLfloat x_to, GLfloat y_to, GLfloat z_to)
+void raydium_camera_replace(void)
+ if(!raydium_camera_pushed)
+ raydium_log("Warning: no camera to replace (matrix stack's empty)");
+ else
+ {
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glPushMatrix();
+ memset(raydium_camera_cursor_place,0,3*sizeof(GLfloat));
+ }
+void raydium_camera_replace_go(GLfloat *pos, GLfloat *R)
+// pos[3], R[3*3]
+GLfloat matrix[16];
+void raydium_camera_rumble(GLfloat amplitude, GLfloat ampl_evo, GLfloat secs)
+void raydium_camera_path_reset(void)
+// if step is <= 0, moves will be instaneous
+// camera will be placed only if step is >=0 (negative steps are used
+// only to change internal vars)
+void raydium_camera_smooth(GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat pz, 
+			   GLfloat lx, GLfloat ly, GLfloat lz, 
+			   GLfloat zoom, GLfloat roll, GLfloat step)
+static GLfloat opx,opy,opz;
+static GLfloat olx,oly,olz;
+static GLfloat ozoom=90;
+static GLfloat oroll=0;
+//ydium_log("camera smooth (asked): %.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f %.2f",px,py,pz,lx,ly,lz,zoom,step);
+if(step<=0 || // wow.. smells inf, do a instantaneous step. (and don't place cam)
+   raydium_camera_path_reset_flag)
+    opx=px;
+    opy=py;
+    opz=pz;
+    olx=lx;
+    oly=ly;
+    olz=lz;
+    ozoom=zoom;
+    oroll=roll;
+    raydium_camera_path_reset_flag=0;
+    opx+=(px-opx)*step;
+    opy+=(py-opy)*step;
+    opz+=(pz-opz)*step;
+    olx+=(lx-olx)*step;
+    oly+=(ly-oly)*step;
+    olz+=(lz-olz)*step;
+    ozoom+=(zoom-ozoom)*step;
+    oroll+=(roll-oroll)*step;
+    if(ozoom<0) ozoom=0;
+    if(ozoom>180) ozoom=270;
+    if(ozoom!=raydium_projection_fov)
+        {
+        raydium_projection_fov=ozoom;
+        raydium_window_view_update();
+        }
+    raydium_camera_look_at(opx,opy,opz,olx,oly,olz);
+//raydium_log("camera smooth (result): %.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f | %.2f",opx,opy,opz,olx,oly,olz,ozoom,step);
+void raydium_camera_path_init(int p)
+int i;
+    {
+    raydium_camera_path[p].x[i]=0;
+    raydium_camera_path[p].y[i]=0;
+    raydium_camera_path[p].z[i]=0;
+    raydium_camera_path[p].zoom[i]=0;
+    raydium_camera_path[p].roll[i]=0;
+    }
+void raydium_camera_path_init_all(void)
+int i;
+    raydium_camera_path_init(i);
+int raydium_camera_path_find(char *name)
+int i;
+    if(!strcmp(raydium_camera_path[i].name,name) && raydium_camera_path[i].steps>-1)
+	return i;
+return -1;
+int raydium_camera_path_load(char *filename)
+FILE *fp;
+int i=0;
+GLfloat x,y,z,zoom,roll;
+int p;
+    {
+    raydium_log("camera: cannot open camera path '%s'",filename);
+    return -1;
+    }
+    if(raydium_camera_path[p].steps==-1)
+	break;
+    {
+    raydium_log("camera: cannot find any free slot !",filename);
+    return -1;
+    }
+while( fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f %f\n",&x,&y,&z,&zoom,&roll)!=EOF )
+ {
+  raydium_camera_path[p].x[i]=x;
+  raydium_camera_path[p].y[i]=y;
+  raydium_camera_path[p].z[i]=z;
+  raydium_camera_path[p].zoom[i]=zoom;
+  raydium_camera_path[p].roll[i]=roll;
+  i++;
+ }
+raydium_log("camera path '%s' loaded (slot %i, %i steps)",filename,p,i);
+return p;
+void raydium_camera_path_draw(int p)
+int i;
+    {
+    glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+    raydium_texture_current_set_name("rgb(1,0,0)");
+    raydium_rendering_internal_prepare_texture_render(raydium_texture_current);
+    glLineWidth(1.f);
+    glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
+    for(i=0;i<raydium_camera_path[p].steps;i++)
+	{
+	glVertex3f(
+		raydium_camera_path[p].x[i],
+		raydium_camera_path[p].y[i],
+		raydium_camera_path[p].z[i]);
+	}
+    glEnd();
+    if(raydium_light_enabled_tag)
+	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
+    return;
+    }
+raydium_log("camera path draw failed : invalid index");
+void raydium_camera_path_draw_name(char *path)
+int p;
+if(p==-1) p=raydium_camera_path_load(path);
+char raydium_camera_smooth_path(char *path, GLfloat step, GLfloat *x, GLfloat *y, GLfloat *z, GLfloat *zoom, GLfloat *roll)
+int p;
+int step1,step2;
+GLfloat vx,vy,vz,vzoom,vroll;
+GLfloat diff;
+    p=raydium_camera_path_load(path);
+    return 0;
+    {
+    step1-=raydium_camera_path[p].steps;
+    }
+    {
+    step2-=raydium_camera_path[p].steps;
+    }
+return 1;
+void raydium_camera_smooth_path_to_pos(char *path, GLfloat lx, GLfloat ly, GLfloat lz, GLfloat path_step, GLfloat smooth_step)
+GLfloat x,y,z,zoom,roll;
+    raydium_log("camera path error with '%s'",path);
+void raydium_camera_smooth_pos_to_path(GLfloat lx, GLfloat ly, GLfloat lz, char *path, GLfloat path_step, GLfloat smooth_step)
+GLfloat x,y,z,zoom,roll;
+    raydium_log("camera path error with '%s'",path);
+void raydium_camera_smooth_path_to_path(char *path_from, GLfloat path_step_from, char *path_to, GLfloat path_step_to, GLfloat smooth_step)
+GLfloat fx,fy,fz,fzoom,froll;
+GLfloat tx,ty,tz,tzoom,troll;
+    raydium_log("camera path error with '%s' (from)",path_from);
+    raydium_log("camera path error with '%s' (to)",path_to);
+raydium_camera_smooth(fx,fy,fz, ty,-tz,tx,fzoom,froll,smooth_step);