Index: raycar.c
--- raycar.c	(revision 472)
+++ raycar.c	(revision 473)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+    Raydium - CQFD Corp.
+    License: GPL - GNU General Public License, see "gpl.txt" file.
+// This is an experimental test for a "ray car".
+#include "raydium/index.c"
+GLfloat sun[]={1.0,0.9,0.5,1.0};
+#define RAY_LEN		0.1
+#define MOTOR_SPEED	10
+#define CAR_BASE_HEIGHT -0.2
+#define CAR_WHEEL_ANGLE 30 // ... degrees 
+#define CAR_MU		0.9
+#define CAR_MU2		0.0001
+#define CAR_SLIP_LONGI	0.1
+#define CAR_SUSP_ERP	0.01	
+#define CAR_SUSP_CFM	0.1  // more = less reactive susp
+char ray_callback(int e1, int e2, dContact *n)
+GLfloat org[]={1,0,0};
+GLfloat res[3];
+float wheel_rotation;
+// ... Raydium defaults ...
+contact[i].surface.mode = dContactSlip1 | dContactSlip2 |
+dContactSoftERP | dContactSoftCFM | dContactApprox1;
+contact[i] = dInfinity;
+contact[i].surface.slip1 = slip;
+contact[i].surface.slip2 = slip;
+contact[i].surface.soft_erp = erp;
+contact[i].surface.soft_cfm = cfm;
+n->surface.mode &= ~dContactSlip1; // remove slip1
+n->surface.mode |= dContactFDir1;
+n->surface.slip2 = CAR_SLIP_LONGI;
+n-> = CAR_MU;
+if(raydium_ode_element[e1]._last_touched_ray<=1) // is a front wheel ?
+    {
+    wheel_rotation=raydium_joy_x*CAR_WHEEL_ANGLE;
+    n->surface.mode |= dContactMu2;    
+    n->surface.mu2 = n->;
+    n-> = CAR_MU2;
+    }
+else // rear wheel (where engine works)
+    {
+    wheel_rotation=0;
+    n->surface.mode |= dContactMotion1;
+    n->surface.motion1 = raydium_joy_y*MOTOR_SPEED; 
+    }
+		    res[0],res[1],res[2],n->fdir1); 
+//printf("%f ",n->geom.depth);
+//printf("-> %f\n",n->geom.depth);
+void create_car(void)
+int a;
+#define BREAK_FORCE     200
+#define ROTFRICTION     0.0005
+#define ERP_CFM         0.3,0.8
+void display(void)
+dReal *pos; 
+if(raydium_key_last==1032) create_car();
+if(raydium_key_last==1097) raydium_ode_time_change(0);
+if(raydium_key_last==1122) raydium_ode_time_change(10);
+if(raydium_key_last==1101) raydium_ode_time_change(100);
+if(raydium_key_last==1027) exit(0);
+    raydium_camera_look_at(1,1,-0.4,pos[1],-pos[2],pos[0]);
+    {
+    dReal mpos[3];
+    dReal *vel;
+    dReal cam[3];
+    // get element position
+    pos=raydium_ode_element_pos_get_name("corps");
+    vel=raydium_ode_element_linearvelocity_get_name("corps");
+    // get position of camera in world coords
+    raydium_ode_element_RelPointPos_name("corps",-1,0,0,cam);
+    // correct z pos (always at top of the car, for example)
+    cam[2]=pos[2]+0.4;
+    mpos[0]=pos[0]+vel[0];
+    mpos[1]=pos[1]+vel[1];
+    mpos[2]=pos[2]+vel[2];
+    // standard smooth lookat camera
+      raydium_camera_smooth(cam[0],cam[1],cam[2],mpos[1],-mpos[2],mpos[0],
+			    70,0,raydium_frame_time*5);
+    }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+raydium_window_create(800,600,RAYDIUM_RENDERING_WINDOW,"Ray driven car");
+return 0;